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Should My Child continue with Catrobatkidz?

11 Jan 2023

Should My Child continue with Catrobatkidz?
Young children are amazing learners; they rapidly absorb information and learn in many different ways all at once. For example, while teaching a toddler important physical skills and co-ordination, they are also developing speech, communication and language, learning social behaviour and emotional expression, as well as developing cognitive skills such as thinking and problem solving. In other words, movement patterns help children develop in many areas.

Year after year, Catrobatkidz helps children develop to the best of their potential by continually refining basic movement patterns, encouraging more technique and adding further challenges.
Between ages 2 and 3 years:

Children stop "toddling," or using the awkward, wide-legged robot-like stance that is the hallmark of new walkers, and are much more steady on their feet. As they develop a smoother gait, they also develop the ability to run, jump, climb, throw and hop up and down with little co-ordination. Children of this age participate in throwing and catching games with larger balls, scarves and bean bags, and can kick a big ball. They can also push themselves around with their feet while sitting on a riding toy.

2 to 3 year-olds often begin showing a preference for using one hand more often than the other, which is the beginning of becoming left or right-handed.

Between ages 3 and 4 years:

Children can climb up stairs using a method of bringing both feet together on each step before proceeding to the next step (in contrast, adults place one foot on each step in sequence). However, these children may still need some "back-up" assistance to prevent falls in case they become unsteady in this new skill. Going down stairs is mostly backwards!

They can walk backward and forward unselfconsciously; turn and stop well. They can jump off low steps or objects, but find it hard to jump over objects. Also they hop higher as their leg muscles grow stronger. Many can even hop with both feet together, and on one foot for short periods of time as their co-ordination improves. At this age they stand on one foot unsteadily and balance with difficulty on a low balance beam while watching their feet.

Also at this age, children develop better upper body mobility. As a result, their catching and throwing abilities improve. As whole body co-ordination improves, children of this age can now peddle and steer a tricycle. They can also kick a larger ball placed directly in front of their bodies.

Generally at this age a child will have established dominance between left or right handed.

Between ages 4 and 5 years:

By ages 4 to 5, children can go up and down the stairs alone, taking one step at a time alternating feet. Their running continues to smooth out and increase in speed. Children of this age can also skip unevenly and add spin to their throws. They also have more control when riding their tricycles, and can drive them faster.

At this age they can stand on one foot for five seconds or more, master the low balance beam and begin jumping on a small trampoline.

Between ages 5 and 6 years:

During ages 5 to 6, young children continue to refine earlier skills and increase physical strength. They're running even faster with agility and speed, can balance on one leg, throw further, and can start to ride bicycles with training wheels for added stability. In addition, they can step sideways, walk backwards quickly, hop and climb well, jump rope and skip fluently. Children of this age begin mastering new forms of physical play such as the jungle gym, and begin to use the see-saw, slide, and swing on their own. They start hitting balls with bats, and so on. Many children of this age can incorporate motor skills into games and enjoy learning to play organized sports such as soccer, cricket, tennis or swimming.

At this age children can master a higher balance beam with added technique and dive roll off a trampoline.

7 years and older:

From 7 years old and up children continue to have increased co-ordination for catching and throwing. They are able to participate in active games with rules and have improving reaction time to responses. They can sequence motor activities with more and more precision, as with gymnastics.

In Conclusion:

Catrobatkidz teaching methods include the following vital ingredients for children to develop skills:
• Demonstration and observation
• Forming a mental image
• Imitating
• Practising
• Repetition
• Motivation
• Adequate opportunities in becoming competent at skills

It takes a village to raise a child and we’d like to continue to be a part of that village. When you see all the early childhood physical development milestones and changes unfolding, you can truly see why we can teach your child more and more as they grow older.

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